Publisher: A.A. Media, LLC
Editor: Heru-Ka Anu

Editorial Offices
6037 Liberty Road - Suite 6
Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Phone: 443-453-3010
Email: AdWorks@

Contributing Writers

Bmore Natural Banner

BmoreNatural™ is your Holistic Care, Natural Products and Health Information Directory for Baltimore City, Baltimore Counties and Beyond.

BmoreNaturalBusiness Directory is your resource for finding the practitioners – including holistic doctors and naturopaths; natural and organic products – including foods, herbs, supplements, vitamins, body-care, hair care products, and more.
BmoreNatural™ is your directory for information and resources for living the healthy lifestyle – including interviews, book reviews, news, events calendar, and announcements. Visit often for our holistic business listings, natural and organic products, and health information updates.

Vegan SoulFest 2016

Now in its 3rd year the Vegan SoulFest has grown and is going strong. This year featured many more vendors and presenters. Of course word has traveled about this event, resulting in an increased attendance. There appeard to be much more going on this year than previous; so much so, that I spent my time outdoors among the vendors and attendees. Though I did not partake of any of the indoor presentations, I did not experience a sense of loss. My time was sufficiently filled with learning about vendor products and services, and engaging new and familia acquaintences in rich conversations. I left feeling satisfied at having the Vegan SoulFest experience in a setting of such good energy. I'm looking forward to the Vegan SoulFest 2017.

The Green Expo (advertising)

Green Expo 2015 Logo

America’s largest and longest-running sustainability and green living event will return to Washington, D.C. for the 2015 Expo. Visit the unique marketplace of more than 250 eco-friendly businesses with everything from all-natural body care products and organic clothing to Fair Trade gifts, solar energy for your home, and a wide selection of vegan, vegetarian, non-GMO, organic and artisanal food and beverage products.
Enjoy test drives of BMW's newest electric/hybrid vehicles, free cooking demos, yoga, activities for kids, inspirational speaker panels, and live music and entertainment.

June 5-7 at the Washington D.C. Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW. Discount tickets for students, seniors and veterans. Free admission for children under 16 and bicyclists.

For tickets and more information: Click Here

The Vegan SoulFest A Resounding Success - Heru-Ka Anu

Vegan SoulFest Volunteers Naijha Wright and Gregory Brown

The first ever Vegan SoulFest was held to overwhelming success in Baltimore, Maryland. Looking for the next thing to do Naijha Wright and Name partnered on the idea of the Vegan SoulFest, an event that would encapsulate what they believed in and galvanize force among others to give a bigger life to them.

From their initial announcemetn of the Vegan SoulFest the responses were of excitement and commitment. In short order the sponsorship and vendor support made the event and inevitable success even before the advertising and publicity to the larger community had begun.    Read The Story - Click Here

The Natural Products Expo East 2014... In Baltimore MD - Heru-Ka Anu

The Natural Products Expo East had to be one of the greatest shows on earth. I attended two of the four day event and was completely overwhelmed with the overall presentation -the workshops, lecture presentations, product sampling and demonstrations.

The atmosphere was filled with a wonderful buzzing of exhibitors busying themselves greeting, making presentations, networking, and conducting sales. It was a most beautiful business experience to witness. The sheer number of exhibitors gathered under one roof was not unlike visiting a small town. Read the Story - Click Here

The Demise of BSW Natural Products Company - Heru-Ka Anu

Botanical Skin Works

Botanical Skin Works (BSW), of Baltimore, Maryland manufactured natural hair and skincare products. However they were not just any company. Of significance was the unique background of its founding and managing women - Sharon Kinnier the outstanding chemist, whose talent propelled her own company but was sought after by numerous other companies to formulate for them as well; and Dr. Nana Anu a leading holistic doctor whose knowledge and experience with the medical use and benefits of natural products was second to none. Another unique factor being that they both are African American – a rarity in the natural products industry. Through their combined scientific knowledge they created an excellent line of hair and skincare products that customers were completely satisfied with. Which of course begs the question, “Why didn’t the company Botanical Skin Works survive?”
Read The Story

Holistic Care

Instructor from Embrace Yoga DC guides children and adults through the joys and benefits of yoga. Children and yoga is such a natural mesh. To see it in action is very comforting.

Natural Products

Karmalades Natural Products exhibit at the Green Festival - "Household Cleaners With A Conscious" is what we all can use. It was good to see products that are safe to use, and in balance or harmony with the environment, especially our home environment.

Healthy LifeStyle

Heru-Ka Anu in the Elf Car - the "Solar-Electric Trike". Personally, I'm not quite sure how this is to be used on the road; however, I can see it being used to power around the neighborhood.


Vegan Soul Fest Saturday, October 25th, 2014 | 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM 401 North Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201

Natural Products Expo East September 17 - 20, 2014 | Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore MD

The 2014 Summer Solstice Wholistic Life Experience Sunday June 22, 2014 | 12:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. - Thurgood Marshall Center, Washington DC

Green Festival May 31 – June 1, 2014 | Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC

Wednesday - March 18, 2014

Here a link to a list of 400 companies that don't use GMO's in their products: Click Here

Thursday - Feb 26, 2014

Jimmy Gutman of Immunotec is coming to Baltimore, on March 12, 2015; see the flyer for details:  Click Here

Tuesday - Feb 10, 2014

Listen in to an interview with me, Heru-Ka Anu, host of Holistic Health Forum

  with my guest Health and Nutrition Coach Jahari Adjiri  for a discussion of the health benefits of Immunocal : Click Here

Saturday - Oct 25, 2014

I attended the Vegan SoulFest today. By my estimates it was an outstanding success. Look for my write up on it later this week.

Saturday - Oct 25, 2014

Yeah, today we launched the BmoreNatural Blog... A milestone. I tell you I am excited at the way in which this site is developing. Slowly but surely the vision is coming into fruition; even I am seeing more than imagined.

Later today I will visit the Vegan SoulFest; and, of course I look forward to writing something about it here.

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